A concern has been expressed to me that some citizens have come to the station and experienced difficulty reaching a police officer. I want to apologize for this and assure the public we are committed to serving you to the best of our ability. We recently lost our administrative assistant so there may not be anyone in the office during the day to answer the door or phone. Your police department is also currently being down sized and losing full time police officer positions which may add to this challenge and impact our availability.
We will make every effort to make ourselves available to the public and limit the reduction in services, but please be patient. If you come to the station and no one answers the door there is a gray call box to the right of the door. If you pick up the phone it will connect you with our dispatch center who will send an officer to meet you. If you call and no one answers the phone please leave a message or call 435-7211 to reach our dispatch center directly. We currently have office hours Monday and Tuesday 1:00pm-6:00pm.
I apologize for any inconvenience you may experience, we remain committed to serving you and will continue to evaluate ways to better serve you.
Chief Jeffrey M. Cain